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Digital Humanities makes a unique and timely contribution to research and pedagogy at UCLA by offering practical engagements with computational tools, data, data analysis, networked technology, and digital media in their crucial—but often invisible—roles in contemporary culture and society.

What we offer
Recognizing the need for the university to produce students skilled in critical analysis, computational tools, digital media, knowledge design, and argumentation, the Digital Humanities program (DH) combines the traditional strengths of a liberal arts education with training in state-of-the-art methods for computational thinking and network-based communication.
By implementing lab- and studio-based classes structured around interdisciplinary analysis, collaborative research, and experimental thought and design, the DH program prepares students for a wide range of creative and analytical jobs of the 21st century that now demand a melding of technology and the humanities.
Where your gift goes
DH makes a unique and timely contribution to research and pedagogy at UCLA by offering practical engagements with computational tools, data, data analysis, networked technology, and digital media in their crucial—but often invisible—roles in contemporary culture and society. In so doing, it draws directly on the interpretative and critical methods of the humanities, both to analyze the workings of digital technologies and to develop new tools and technologies to document, analyze, and speculate about all aspects of human culture and society.
UCLA’s DH program prioritized these issues much earlier than many other institutions and is, therefore, in a particularly opportune position now as these issues have become absolutely central not only to the humanities and the academe at large but also to public culture, the tech industry, media, community and civic life, and many other domains.